Plums are a great addition to the edible landscape, and help
to promote wildlife. (The bees were going crazy over this Chickasaw plum's blooms.) Three species that do well in our area with little input
are American plum (Prunus americana), Wild Goose Plum (Prunus munsoniana), and
Chickasaw Plum (Prunus angustifloia).
These native fruit trees can be large shrubs or small trees,
hybridize amongst themselves, and tend to form colonies when left to their own
devices. White spring blooms give way to red, orange, and yellow fruit in late
summer. Plant a few plums for optimal pollination.
Eaten fresh, baked, or processed into jams or wine, the
possibilities are mouth-watering and easy to attain. These plums will do well
in partial shade to full sun, bearing fruit in just a few years. Keep in mind,
native plums are smaller than the European varieties you may be used to at the
grocery store.
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