When I got back from vacation I noticed that the leaves of my hollyhocks were looking more like lace doilies than foliage. (aka something had been eating them) But my disappointment over the leaves quickly turned to eager anticipation once I noticed several flower buds! The largest of my Hollyhock plants are now almost 4’ tall and it will only be a matter of days before I see the fruits (in this case flowers) of my labor.
The Hollyhock Sawfly (in larval form) is the culprit of the leaf damage, I’ve since learned. There are probably hundreds of these tiny green worms munching away on my precious plants. I’ve read that they are fairly easy to control, especially when treated early. I plan on using Sevin to combat this pest. I hate to use chemicals, but I will not lose my hollyhocks!
Everything else in the garden in doing great. The peonies are done blooming; the tiger lilies are about to start. The sedum ground cover is blooming a carpet of yellow. The tomatoes are growing fast! My herb garden is doing well, except for the basil which seems to be in decline. We’ve had A LOT of rain in Nashville these past few weeks which has kept everything green and lush.
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