I'm about to throw the towel in on my tomatoes and get that space ready for a winter veggie garden. My peppers, especially the jalapenos are still producing, which will make a nice addition to this weekend's chili. In the upper south, right now is a great time to aerate and over-seed your lawn too. And while most irrigating can be cut back this time of year, newly-seeded lawns should be sprinkled twice daily (e.g., 4am and 4pm).

Today I collected almost 50 Chinkapin Oak acorns in a matter of minutes. Potential fall projects I have in mind are: germinate the acorns and make baby oak trees, become an urban forager and prepare them for consumption, or most likely some combination of the two. I will undoubtedly report successes/ failures here.
Until then, happy foraging/gardening!