Today I read Michelle Obama’s book American Grown; The Storyof the White House Kitchen Garden and Gardens Across America. It is a good American
garden history and service garden philosophy primer. Michelle Obama has made
healthy eating and healthy lifestyles the center-piece of her public policy
efforts and this book showcases both.
It was interesting to hear how former Presidents and first
ladies made their mark on the White House grounds. In addition, the discussion
about where to site the new kitchen garden and what to plant is appreciated by
this gardener (and designer); as these considerations are oft-overlooked.
The subjects and their presentation are worthwhile to novice
and master gardener alike. My favorite portion of the book introduced the White
House’s first beehive and beekeeper. The honey is also part of gift baskets
that contain pickled vegetables, loose tea, and seedlings from the garden given to
foreign dignitaries such as Prince Charles.
Aside from White House history and bees, American Grown also
shares gardens plans, tons of images, personal stories, and recipes inspired by
the garden and White House chefs. Other areas of focus include community
gardens, service gardens, farmer’s markets, school gardens, and the ‘Let’sMove!’ program.
I would recommend this book for anyone interested in
gardening, history, or Michelle Obama; never have I seen a more
stylishly-dressed gardener getting their hands dirty. Two other reasons to read
this book: Michelle Obama’s initiatives
are ones we should all support for our country’s health, and author proceeds
from this book will support the National Park Foundation.